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Anxiety and Panic
Problematic anxiety is a frequent and widespread difficulty which manifests itself in many ways. Usually seen commonly as pure anxiety difficulties known as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. In Panic disorder the main problem is recurrent panic attacks which occur all of a sudden when the individual has not even expected any anxiety. It’s a period of intense fear or discomfort that is accompanied by a range of cognitive and somatic symptoms. They often come along with a sense of about to happen danger or approaching disaster with an urge to escape. They may be triggered and associated to specific situations, such as in a phobic condition, or following trauma or may be spontaneous.
In Generalized Anxiety disorder , the main features are worry and excessive anxiety, for a sustained period of not less than 6 months and must be connected to different activities or events and must cause significant interference with the person’s functioning. Symptoms experienced are less intense compared to Panic disorder , the start off is gradual and the key feature is repeated experience of excessive worry.
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